Monday, December 20, 2010

Matt and Hailey Ravenscraft

They did it! It's official! They said their vows and exchanged their rings and now they are married!! The wedding was a beautiful winter wonderland celebration at College Church in Wheaton, IL this past Saturday. I am so proud and happy for you two :) Good luck with life in Evanston and I love that you guys will now be only an hour and a half away from Madison! :) 

The cute ring bearers with "pillows" of books that Matt and Hailey read together.

The Prep Phase :)

At the hair salon

The timeless beauty: 
Mrs. Hailey Ravenscraft!

The fabulous belt!

Yay for moms!

Quick fix!

Daddy's only, little girl

Mink coat? I think so :)


Matt's favorite color is red :)

She's going to the chapel and she's gunna get married.... :)

The First Glance!

Taking a breather while waiting for the ceremony :)

Winter Wonderland/Reception details- Matt & Hailey love crossword puzzles!

Coffee and Hot Chocolate Bar :)

The mugs were presents for the guests and Hailey's U15 soccer team 
served the food with personalized aprons- a great touch :)

 ~The Party Phase~
The White House Women- my roommates senior year :)

Miss Lauren Kusey...soon to be Marlowe :)

Tyler & Katie Jo- The next couple to tie the knot ;)

The First Dance & The Father/Daughter Dance :)

The Partains breaking it down to the "YMCA"!!