Thursday, February 17, 2011

Puppy Love

These following 10 faces will be in my life for the next 3 weeks! These 10 precious faces along 4 other dogs and 1 cat. That's right, you can call me Dr. Dolittle until Sandi and Steve return from their fundraising trip to the states.

(and yes- I will shamelessly put in another plug for our 10k Walkathon Fundraiser for the new Cotopaxi Training Center, please sponsor me as I walk this Saturday :) Here is where you can donate ... thanks!)

Living in another culture changes you. Ecuador has changed me. In one way specifically, it has made me less of an animal lover- for those of you who don't know me that well, that is a HUGE change. I used to love dogs, all dogs and especially puppies, but now I see them differently. They are just part of the culture and the landscape here. Their barks are just another track to 'sleep' playlist here in the valley. They aren't part of the family like they are in the states; now I am not saying I agree or disagree with this type of attachment to our pets in the states, I am just stating the facts. And don't get me wrong, I still enjoy animals, but love...that is a strong word. *exception= I will always love my dog, a beautiful black and white Siberian Husky named Sasha*

WARNING: the following pictures contain adorable faces 

this one is my favorite :)


all 10!

Tika, the overwhelmed mom of 10 crazy cute puppies

So now until early March I get to enjoy these puppies and who knows... maybe by the end of it all I will be in 'puppy love' again ;)

more pictures to come!!

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