Thursday, March 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Amy :)

This shout out is to one of my best friends, Amy Elizabeth Pearce. Happy 23rd Birthday!!! I'm sorry that I can't be with you in person to celebrate your birthday, but I hope these pictures brighten your day!

I can't believe we have been best friends for a DECADE! That's a long time, 10 years Amo! Life in Madison definitely  wouldn't have been the same without you and your family adopting me as a second daughter! I absolutely love you and have been incredibly blessed by your friendship over these last 10 years. There are many things about our friendship that I am thankful for like baking, dogs, concerts, soccer, etc,
 but one of the biggest ones is that we love to travel together :) We have been so fortunate to go on family vacations around the world with each other. And so this is what this photo walk down memory lane will be about Amo- all our trips- minus Hawaii cause those pics were on film not digital ;)

Alaska: 2010
with Pearce & Chinn Family

Madison, WI: All Years

Amy with Jozy, Me with Boomer 

High School Graduation

some of our classic recipes :)

Concerts: Ingrid Michaelson & Mat Kearney 

Making Dr. Pearce's delicious homemade grilled pizzas!!

Caribbean Cruise: 2008
with Chinn Family

we look so young!

Amy with part of my crazy big Espinelli Family

Midnight Chocolate Buffet? yes please :)

European Trip: 2006
with the Pearce Family




Let's meet up July 3rd @ 3 o'clock? Why not??

the best steak ever.

Cliff jumping- well at least your dad and brothers jumped!

London in front of the Towers Bridge

Thanks for all the memories Amo! I love you and can't wait for our next vacation together! Galapagos??? C'mon you know your dad would absolutely die if we went there ;)


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh I love you, thank you! Totally made my day. I can't wait to see you again and hang out in Madison (and go to the Galapagos?!?! - that would be sweet).
