Monday, November 29, 2010

el Día de Acción de Gracias

On Saturday we finally were able to celebrate the great American holiday: Thanksgiving. We had it on Saturday so that everyone could be there and it was a day filled with friends, family and food :) Taylor and I started the day off with the Brennan photo shoot then headed over to Sandi's to cook around 11:30. We cooked, talked, played games, listened to Christmas music and joined each other's fellowship for the next 11 hours! I learned a few new recipes that I will definitely use for Thanksgivings for years to come. My favorite new recipe is the Brie cheese topped with craisins, honey, fresh rosemary and walnuts wrapped in homemade pie crust. This yummy goodness is then baked and served hot and melted with fresh bread or crackers. It was an instant crowd pleaser and so delicious!

During dinner we did the traditional "What are you thankful for?" question around the table and the common theme in everyone's answer was being part of this Christ centered community which has been a blessing to staff workers, volunteers and Ecuadorians alike. Sitting at the dinner table with a magnificent feast in front of me I realized how our Creator and Sustainer really is wonderful and faithful even in the little things- such as celebrating an American holiday in Ecuador. Although I deeply missed my own family I was happy and felt so thankful to be a part of this new family in Christ who has taught and is continuing to teach me so much about myself, missions and God.

I made these- Pumpkin Scones :)

candles in the fireplace= a perfect touch of warmth

Here starts the photo tribute to my new favorite recipe:

the topping

fold the pie crust around yumminess 

decorate with leaf cut outs or whatever else

bake and serve hot- enjoy!

tower of pumpkin deliciousness- muffins, bread and scones
and we had to throw something healthy out there so there are apple slices too :)

wonderful homemade pumpkin pie

the healthy option: veggies and hummus

apple pie topped with cut out hearts

the beautiful layout for our feast

Brennan Family Photo Shoot

Noah and Cate are two members of Compassion Connection from the States who have been serving here in Ecuador for the past year and a half. Together with their two boys, Phin- almost 2 and Keenan- about 4 months, they make up one of the cutest families ever. When Taylor and I had the chance to do a family photo shoot, we jumped at the opportunity to capture this great family. 

This family has been one of the biggest blessings here in Ecuador. While Noah helps teach at IBCI- a Bible training school and Cate takes care of the boys, it has been great getting to know them more, especially since know we can joke around with each other :). And besides the fact that Cate has been such a blessing for me in our women's bible study, she is a amazing speed scramble player and the we challenger her about once a week. Needless to say my spelling is improving little by little although she still does beat me by about 200 pts each time.

They are leaving in 2 days to go back to the States for the holidays. This will be the first time they have returned since they moved down a year and a half ago! I am excited that they will be with friends and family but I will miss them a lot while they are gone for a month and half :(