Saturday, October 9, 2010

Back in Quito- Safe and Sound - Oct 3, 2010

After Thursday's Events in Quito- The 'Attempted Coup' of President Correa- we weren't sure if we were going to be able to travel back to Quito safely the following day as the rumor was all roads to Quito were closed. But thankfully the roads were still open and Taylor, Amber and I were able to travel safely back home outside of Quito! Praise God! Thank you for all your prayers over the last few days. Now everything is back to normal, more or less, and Taylor and I will go into Quito tomorrow to get our censos- the mandatory Ecuadorian ID card. We don't expect any trouble- but your prayers are still welcomed!! 

This relaxing weekend at home has been great to process and think through the last 3 full weeks of traveling and home stays. I will write more about them soon, but overall the home stay in the Jungle was a good/hard experience. It exposed me to yet another lifestyle that is common here in Ecuador: a lifestyle of simple hard work that provided just enough for your family to have for that day; and the next day you just did it all again. Day after day, week after week, year after year. It taught me patience and showed me a new reliance on God and not material things to carry you through the day (psalm 20:7-- thanks lani and bk!). It was hard/challenging because the family i stayed with lived in a one room wooden house and sometimes had trouble to buy bread (10 cents) to go with dinner.

Now its bedtime but I hope to write and post more pictures soon- tomorrow or tuesday-so keep checking :)

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