Saturday, October 9, 2010

La Casa Rosada

After Taylor almost missing the flight and me tearfully begging the flight attendants to let her on, we both flew together from Houston to Quito and have finally arrived in Ecuador! We are living in a cute little town 45min outside of the city. We have internet at the house but are only allowed a 1 hour time limit per day on it (which is a good rule). Our house is the pink house on the street named San Carlos Maria de la Torre. This is the only way to identify our house since there are no house numbers or really any street signs. Because of this we won't be able to receive mail since we don't have an address.

The first day here was great because we got to meet the staff here, but packed full of meetings about safety, orientation and the mission of Compassion Connection. We are doing a Women's Staff Bible Study which should be good to build relationships and grow in our faith.

After another meeting, I decided to focus my time here on Compassion Connection's new building project. They are planning to build a new conference center that is sustainable and eco-friendly, which is something I am very passionate about. The plan as of now is that I will help do research for the planning team and visit local tilapia farms to learn how they are sustainable. 

The other main project that I will be doing is to start Zumba classes here in our town for the local women. Taylor and I are very excited about this because it is a great way to open doors to build relationships with the women here. We will be choreographing dances, leading the classes but more importantly we'll be intentionally visiting the ladies that come to the classes in their homes. We hope to start a beginners bible study with them in the future if we have enough interest in it. Your prayers in this area would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! It looks like I will be working with a lot Americans on the building project so hopefully I can use more Spanish with the Zumba classes. 

Hopefully I will be able to update this weekly when I'm here at the pink house. Thanks again for all your prayers and support!

God has already shown His faithfulness and provision and I'm excited to see what else He will do over the months!

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